Net Force
The net force is the overall force acting on an object. To identify the net force of an object in motion you have ot multiply the mass of the abject and its accelleration. If the net force is not zero, then the object is accellerating.
The calculations of the net force for my trials are on the right. The force is measured in newtons.
Force of Friction
The force of friction occurs at the moment the ball makes impact with the racket. The brushing of the strings on the racket induces a friction force between the two objects. In my online research I was able to identify the kinetic friction being 0.65.
The calculations of the force of friction for my trials are on the left. The force is measured in newtons.
Force Applied
The force applied occurs when the racket makes impact with the ball. The force I hit the ball with is the applied force. This force is determined using the total net force and the additional friction force.
The calculations of the force applied for my trials are on the right. The force is measured in newtons.

Fnet = Fapp + Ff
Fnet = ma

FBD in Air
FBD on Impact With Racket
FBD of System